In Blog,Post-earthquake Reconstruction,School Improvement Program

Social Audits Conducted at Two Schools in Thangpalkot, Sindupalchowk

Since the massive earthquakes of April and May 2015, COMMITTED has completed assisting with the reconstruction of two schools in Thangpalkot: Shree Taltuleshwori Primary School and Shree Chilaune Secondary School.

COMMITTED with the help of its donors, partners and volunteers started reconstructing these schools from December of 2015, completing the reconstruction in about a year. The schools were handed over to School Management Committees (SMC) last February. (Click here for details of the handover of Taltuleshwori School and here for the details of the handover of Chilaune School. Click here for a blog post with an embedded video of almost complete Tatuleshwori School and here for that of Chilaune School, both made in May 2016.)

A glimpse of social audit at Chilaune School.

After six months of sound teaching and learning environment at newly constructed and improved class room structures, COMMITTED held social audits of the construction work on 8th and 9th of August, 2017. The information related to project expenditure, funding partners and building utility were shared with those present by COMMITTED’s Project Coordinator and Finance Officer. The audience included members of the School Management Committee (SMC), Parent-Teachers Association (PTA), School Construction Committee, Chairperson and ward members of respective ward, and community members.

COMMITTED’s Project Coordinator (Education), Gautam Lamichane, talking to the attendees at Taltuleshwori School.

Below are the financial details of rebuilding of Taltuleshwori and Chilaune Schools:

Conducting social audits of projects is a legal requirement. However, COMMITTED carried it out NOT only because of that. We did so because we as an organization believe in transparency and accountability in general, part of the reason for our implementing the project Accountability and Transparency mechanism in School Governance System.


For more on the above, follow the links below:

  • For blog posts about the progress of the reconstruction of Taltuleshwori School click here, here, here and here.
  • Click here to go to a Facebook Post on COMMITTED’s page, posted on August 11 , 2017 showing a brief summary about social audits.
  • Click here to go to a blog post about handing over of Taltuleshwori school.
  • Click here to go to a blog post about handing over of Chilaune school.
  • Click here to go to a Facebook Post on COMMITTED’s page, posted on October 28, 2016 about monitoring and assessment of Taltuleshwori School’s Phase-I project.