In Careers

Call For Enlistment in COMMITTED Roster

Call for Expression of Interest (EOI) for Enlistment in Roster

Community Members Interested (COMMITTED) is a non-profit non-governmental organization working in the field of education, local governance and service delivery in Nepal since 2006. We work on strengthening school governance system and enhancing local governments for efficient public service delivery.

COMMITTED invites an Expression of Interest from qualified and competent consulting firms, organizations or individuals to be listed in our roster (fiscal year 2079/80) for services mentioned below.

  1. Experts: Education Expert, Economist/ Data Analyst, Statistician, Public Finance Expert, Auditor
  2. Communication: Proof Reading/ Editing, Designing, Printing
  3. IT: Equipment, Servicing, Website Designing
  4. Supplies: Stationery, Furniture

Interested individuals/ firms, please submit the following documents with a cover letter for the service you wish to provide.  

  1. Consulting Firm: Organizational Profile, latest tax clearance certificate, VAT registration certificate, company registration certificate
  2. Individual consultant: Curriculum Vitae, Copy of Citizenship certificate, PAN/VAT registration certificate

Interested applicants can submit an application clearly marked as (EXPRESSION OF INTEREST) via email to [email protected] or drop hard copies to our office in Kamaladi Sadak, Kathmandu, Nepal, Phone: 01-4259759  by March 30, 2022.

COMMITTED is an equal opportunity employer and strongly encourages qualified women, people with disability and applicants from disadvantaged groups.

COMMITTED has zero-tolerance towards any form of sexual or non-sexual exploitation, abuse, harassment and discrimination. We adhere to strict child protection principles and therefore will conduct rigorous reference and background checks to all selected firms/applicants.