In Annual Reports

Annual Report Summary of 2011

Budget for 2011

COMMITTED US: Total income US $11,999.29 and
Total Expense US $11,248.88.COMMITTED Nepal: Total Income US $9,537.51 and Total Expense US

was completely focused on rural needs and was spent towards raising funds and
majorly coordinating with different bodies to establish Sri Raithane
 as a Higher Secondary School with the addition of grades 11
and 12.
Towards the end of
the year, we carried out meetings with stake holders for our program “Social Business for Education (SBE)” as a part of
COMMITTED’s Sikchya Mero Adhikar (Education-My Right Campaign).
We successfully gained membership of Nepal Water, Sanitation,
and Hygiene (WASH) Alliance (NWA) becoming the one of the fifteen members of
the NWA, funded by the Dutch Government. Also, we participated in a rainwater
harvesting project to identify water stressed villages of Kanchanpur village. 
Our major projects
were Rainwater Harvesting at Kanchanpur District; Classrooms Construction at
Taltuleswori Primary School, Thangpalkot VDC; Art on the Road, Thangpalkot VDC;
and Social Business for Education (SBE)at Sri Raithane Secondary
More details at Annual Report- 2011.