Snapshot of RMEP Preparation at PaanchPokhari Thangpal Rural Municipality

Paanchpokhari Thangpal Rural Municipality proceeded to formulate its Rural Municipality Education Plan (RMEP) from December, 2017. The RMEP effort was led by a committee authorized by the Rural Municipal Council and comprised of representatives from all eight wards, the Municipal Education Resource Person and COMMITTED’s experts. The committee was led by the Rural Municipality appointed Education Coordinator following primarily COMMITTED’s pre-designed education governance structure and model.

The REMP activities were initiated with the development of a framework for timely and logical completion of the RMEP. The effort was initiated with the collection of household and school level data. The schools within the respective wards played a vital role in the collection of required data. This was followed by a workshop on preparation of the School Improvement Plan (SIP) to assist the school administrator identify the gaps and improve the underlying aspects of the education system. Crucial components of the SIP were consolidated in the RMEP.

COMMITTED’s core belief in local development is the inclusion of grassroot participation in just about every possible activity, ensuring all avenues are opened for participation and input. Therefore, to ensure all problems faced by the schools are heard diligently, Ward Education Committees (WEC) were created in all eight wards of the Rural Municipality to function and support the Rural Municipality Education Committee (RMEC). The schools within the wards share their updates, obstacles and plans to WEC. The WEC further brings collective agendas to the RMEC table where the issues are discussed and needed actions executed.

Following numerous meetings, discussions and experts advice, a draft version of the five-year Rural Municipality Education Plan was prepared. RMEP consists of plans and strategies regarding the management of public schools, improving student enrollment, establishing catchment area, school infrastructures development including libraries, science labs and in general enhancing the learning environment within the public education system. This was followed by validation sessions conducted at all eight wards, during which the floor was opened in the form of a public hearing to receive comments and feedback on specific ward level issues and plan components. The entire sessions were broadcast live by Melamchi FM Station.The feedbacks and comments gathered from the validation program were furthered analyzed and a final version of RMEP was developed. Participants in the finalization of RMEP included school delegates, representatives of the rural municipalities, education related experts and the general public. An open notification was advertised for the public to participate at the finalization of the RMEP at least two days ahead of the event.

COMMITTED is currently gearing to print the RMEP and hand it over to the RMEC for endorsement and approval by the Rural Municipal Council. After publication, the RMEC will disseminate copies of the plan to all relevant local, provincial, and federal education bodies.

The RMEP is being developed under COMMITTED’s project that is broader in scope. Under the title ‘Accountability and Transparency Mechanism in the School Governance System’, COMMITTED has developed an education governance model for all local units to replicate. The model focuses on establishing accountable, transparent, systematic and self-sustainable public education system throughout Nepal.

To know details of the activities carried previously, click below:

  • Click  here to read about the Workshop on Formation of Village Education Plans.
  • Click here to read about the Workshop on Schools’ Improvement Plans.
  • Click here to read about the Formation of WEC.
  • Click here to read about the RMEP Data Validation Program.

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